The Lodge Approach


Let’s Ignite Student Success


Conference Schedule

Wed, June 15 - Morning
9:00 – 10:00

Registration: Little Wolf Capitol Building, 600 Cheyenne Ave.

10:15 – 10:45

Welcome: Bill Briggs and Burt Medicine Bull

10:45 – 11:30

Conference Philosophy and Opening Address: Sam Chestnut and Burt Medicine Bull

11:30 – 1:00

Break for Lunch

Wed, June 15 - Afternoon
Chief Dull Knife College: Room 210
Chief Dull Knife College: Room 206
Immersive 1
Immersive 2
1:00 – 1:45

Using Native Artifacts, Buffalo Trunk: Randall Tall Bull, Chief Dull Knife College

The Power of Stories: Literature as a Gateway in the Middle School Classroom: Matt Russ, The Lippman School

Plants, Their Stories, and the Importance of Outdoor Education: Linwood Tall Bull, Chief Dull Knife College

History Hike to Deer Medicine Rock: Thomas Shoulderblade, Lame Deer School District

2:00 – 2:45

Trauma: August Scalpcane

Native American Curriculum and Technology: John Bennett, The Lippman School

3:00 – 3:45

Four Elements of Collective Healing: Father David Bailey

Outdoor Explorations in the Early Grades Classroom: Alisa Westover and Raven Shannon, The Lippman School

4:00 – 5:00



Processing in Cohort Groups: K-6 Educators

Processing in Cohort Groups: 7-12 Educators

Integration Circles: Rabbi Lee Moore and Cara Silverberg

6:00 – 7:30

Dinner and Keynote at Little Wolf Capitol Building Burt Medicine Bull, Chief Dull Knife College.

Thur, June 16 - Morning
Chief Dull Knife College: Room 210
Chief Dull Knife College: Room 206
Immersive 1
Immersive 2
9:00 – 9:45

The Big Ones Get Away: Native American Art and Music Exploring Financial Literacy: Dr. Mary Beth Henning, University of Mount Union and Dr. Thomas Lucey, Illinois State University

Addiction: Pete Schneller, Ph.D., University of Mount Union

Sweat Lodge Experience: Burt Medicine Bull, Chief Dull Knife College

History Hike to Deer Medicine Rock: Thomas Shoulderblade, Lame Deer School District

10:00 – 10:45

American Indian Education: Mike Jetty and Zach Hawkins, Office of Public Instruction

Building Tribal Partnerships: Sam Chestnut, The Lippman School

11:00 – 11:45

Power Of Sound: Dr. Ivory Lyons, University of Mount Union.

12:00 – 1:00

Break for Lunch

Thur, June 16 - Afternoon
Chief Dull Knife College: Room 210
Chief Dull Knife College: Room 206
Immersive 1
Immersive 2
1:00 – 1:45

Tribal Sovereignty: Mike Jetty and Zach Hawkins, Office of Public Instruction

Sweat Lodge Experience: Burt Medicine Bull, Chief Dull Knife College

Plants, Their Stories, and the Importance of Outdoor Education: Linwood Tall Bull, Chief Dull Knife College

2:00 – 2:45

Artifacts: Randall James Tall Bull, Chief Dull Knife College

Trauma: Goldstein Little Eagle

3:00 – 3:45

Traditional Games and Tribal Values: Mike Jetty and Zach Hawkins, Office of Public Instruction

Trauma-informed Practices: Fostering Resilient Learners in Educational Contexts: Dr. Jennifer Walton-Fisette and Dr.
Doug Ellison, Kent State University

4:00 – 5:00



Processing in Cohort Groups: K-6 Educators

Processing in Cohort Groups: 7-12 Educators

Integration Circles: Rabbi Lee Moore and Cara Silverberg

6:00 – 7:30

Dinner and Keynote at Little Wolf Capitol Building: Rabbi Lee Moore and Cara Silverberg

Fri, June 17 - Morning
All events at Little Wolf Capitol Building, 600 Cheyenne Ave.
9:00 – 10:00

Processing in Cohort Groups: K-6 Educators

Processing in Cohort Groups: 7-12 Educators

10:00 – 10:20

Remarks: Dr. Richard Littlebear, Chief Dull Knife College

10:20 – 10:40

Special Presentation from the Lippman School

10:40 – 11:00

Cultural Gift Presentation


Day 1,  June 15

9:00 – 10:00Registration   
10:15 – 10:45Welcome
Bill Briggs & Burt Medicine Bull
 10:45 – 11:30Conference Philosophy and Opening Address
Sam Chestnut & Burt Medicine Bull
11:30 – 1:00Break for Lunch   

Conference Sessions

 Classroom 1Classroom 2Immersive 1Immersive 2
1:00 – 1:45Using Native Artifacts, Buffalo Trunk (R. Medicine Bull, CDKC)Teaching Literature Native Content (M. Russ)SweatHistory Hike Deer Medicine
2:00 – 2:45Trauma (A. Scalpcane)Building/Using Online Content (J. Bennett)
3:00 – 3:45Trauma (Father D. Bailey)Partnerships (S. Chestnut)
4:00 – 5:00Break   
Processing in Cohort Groups
5:00- 6:00K-6 Euducators7-12 EducatorsIntegration 
6:00- 7:30Dinner and Keynote  – Setovaatse Medicine Bull   

Day 2, June 16

Conference Sessions
 Classroom 1Classroom 2Immersive 1Immersive 2
9:00 – 9:45Native art and music – Dr. M. Henning & Dr. T. LuceyAddiction  (virtual)  Dr. SchnellerEthnobatonyHistory Hike Deer Medicine
10:00 – 10:45American Indian Education (M. Jetty &  Z. Hawkins)Outdoor Explorations – Native Perspective (A. Westover & R. Shannon)
11:00 – 11:45Power of Sound (Virtual) (Dr. Lyons) Language and Culture (S. Medicine Bull)
12:00 – 1:00Lunch   
 Classroom 1Classroom 2Immersive 1Immersive 2
1:00 – 1:45Tribal Sovereignty (M. Jetty & Z. Hawkins)Trauma (R. Aberle)SweatEthnobotany
2:00 – 2:45Artifacts (R. Medicine Bull)Trauma (G. Little Eagle)
3:00 – 3:45Traditional Games and Tribal Values (M. Jetty & Z. Hawkins)Trauma Informed Practices – KSU Virtual
4:00 – 5:00Break   
Processing in Cohort Groups
5:00- 6:00K-6 Educators7-12 EducatorsIntegration 
6:00- 7:30Dinner and Keynote – Rabbi Lee Moore   

Day 3, June 17

Processing in Cohort Groups
9:00 – 10:00K-6 Educators7-12 EducatorsIntegration 
10:00 – 10:20Remarks (Dr. Littlebear)   
10:20-10:40Special Presentation from The Lippman School   
10:40-11:00Cultural Gift Presentation